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What’s It Like to Be a Telehealth Substance Abuse Professional?

Telehealth Substance Abuse Professional

What if you could work from home and help people fight addiction? Are you invested in initiating change? Does supporting those in need sound like your calling? Do you have first or secondhand experience with the impact of substance use and abuse? If you answer yes to these questions, you may have what it takes to be a telehealth substance abuse professional.

There are two types of people that we expect to see reading this blog post:

  1. Those thinking about becoming a substance abuse professional.
  2. Those curious if telehealth is for them.

If you’re contemplating a move into the substance abuse field or considering stepping into a therapy-based career, we encourage you to do some light reading:

If you’re wondering whether you’re cut out to be a telehealth substance abuse professional, keep reading. We will first discuss telehealth or remote therapy and what a day in the life of an online substance abuse service provider can look like.

What Is Remote Therapy?

Telehealth or online substance abuse professionals are generally counselors. They provide remote therapy and treatment in a mobile setting, allowing clients and counselors to connect from any location at more diverse hours.

At Absolute Advocacy, our remote and telehealth substance abuse counselors provide court-ordered services. We specialize in DUI classes. We are a first line of defense for helping our clients deal with everything from a simple mistake that caused a DUI charge to addressing unsafe substance use and, in some cases, ongoing addiction and substance abuse. Our digital setup allows us to connect with the people in need of our services more effectively.

A Day in The Life of a Telehealth Substance Abuse Professional

Telehealth-based medicine isn’t new. It wasn’t widely accessible until the COVID-19 pandemic forced providers to adapt the service model. Now, online services have become a staple of our daily lives. They’re beneficial and here to stay. For telehealth substance abuse professionals, their average work day can look slightly different than that of a traditional professional.

Working From Anywhere

Telehealth professionals aren’t tied to a traditional office or, in some cases, a conventional schedule. They can work from almost anywhere as long as there is access to the Internet, a secure video or telephone conferencing platform, and a private space to work.

The modern telehealth professional often combines in-office and video visits, depending on the provider they work with or for.

The Benefits

The Challenges

Depending on your experience and expertise, online counseling can present some challenges. You’ll need to manage:

Online substance abuse counseling and DUI services are growing. There is a need for new telehealth substance abuse professionals. You may be a good fit if you’re ready to make a difference in people’s lives.

Absolute Advocacy is a leading online DUI class and substance abuse treatment provider. We work with new and experienced counselors alike. Let’s discuss your career goals and see if they align with our needs.

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