The Second Chance You Deserve via Drug Education School
You’ve fallen into a rough patch in your life. What started out as a simple, fun, recreational drug use has turned into a full-blown addiction, and now you’re not sure what to do.
Perhaps you’ve isolated yourself from friends and loved ones. You may have even lost your job, or have turned to drugs as a way to make money and support your habit. But until now, you’ve never gotten caught, not by the authorities anyway. You’re in so deep, you don’t believe you’ll ever see a light at the end of the tunnel. But you’re wrong.
Everyone deserves a second chance, and you are no exception! Absolute Advocacy is now offering drug education classes, which can give you the second chance you need to turn your life around.
The Importance of Drug Awareness
In an age where the drug culture is so pervasive in society and our everyday lives, it’s easy to fall victim to a drug habit. It’s easy to place the blame on outside influences. But the responsibility rests on us; we must educate ourselves and make sure we know the consequences of a life dominated by drug use.
Drug addiction may be a very complex affliction, but it can be treated. It’s important for a person who is suffering from an addiction to take their education seriously; recovery is not an overnight process and the principles of effective treatment take time to make a difference. You must be willing to give it time, be patient, and stay dedicated to rehabilitation.
Why Education Now vs. Later?
Studies have suggested a three month treatment period for most recovering addicts, with a longer duration bringing the greatest results. Behavioral therapies are often recommended for treating addiction. Medications are also commonly used in tandem with therapy. In addition, patients will need constant monitoring and readjustment to their current treatment plan to assure continued progress.
Sounds involved, doesn’t it? All of these procedures can be avoided with drug education earlier while one still has some control over their life, rather than waiting until they’re in too deep.
Keep in mind, a course of rehabilitation doesn’t necessarily have to be of your own choice to be effective. You may reach a point where you no longer have a choice and are forced into a recovery program. First-time offenders in North Carolina are sometimes offered a chance at cleaning up before their situation grows even further out of control. The court, under G.S. 9096, can order completion of Drug Education School, whether you are for or against it.
The Benefits of Treatment vs. Imprisonment
The benefits of conquering your addiction now versus later are clear, but a focus on treatment over imprisonment is important for the community as well. Research indicates a savings of billions of taxpayer dollars by implementing treatment programs instead of imprisoning offenders. While prison is likely to have a steady influx and release of untreated drug abusers, a focused treatment program is more likely to succeed in keeping such individuals reformed. It leads to a reduction in crime, a treatment of illness, and a safer, more secure future for us all.
Drug Education School, if offered to you or a loved one, is a means of (hopefully) saving them from the downward spiral landing most in prison. It’s a second chance for a brighter, drug free tomorrow and a clean record.
A Second Chance from a Life of Drugs
WFFA tells the story of Uniqua Johnson, a drug dealer of 11 years who turned her life around. Everything was going well for the 27-year-old drug dealer until the day she was arrested. While this might have seemed to be the roof caving in, it was actually a wakeup call.
Fortunately for Uniqua, she was living in an area where a new reform program was being implemented. She was given an opportunity to complete Drug Education School and leave without a criminal record. With a choice between prosecution and receiving help, she accepted help.
Uniqua graduated the DES program and is now working towards a brighter future with a clean slate. Thanks to this outside assistance, she is today in the process of studying to earn her GED. She’s found honest work, and has a renewed faith in herself.
She has even gone on record, noting how much safer her neighborhood has become since the implementation of this new program.
Uniqua could do it, and so can you. You can be the next success story in the war on drugs and substance abuse.
Let Absolute Advocacy be Your Second Chance
Absolute Advocacy offers a Drug Education School for anyone looking to turn their lives around. Ours is one of only two qualified service providers offered in Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties
Under G.S. 90-96, a person facing their first drug-related offense has the opportunity for a second chance. With that said, it is important to understand not every first-time offender is granted this privilege – it is up to the court’s discretion.
If you have been given the chance to wipe your record clean, you must find a qualified provider for drug education classes.
Registering for Our Drug Education School
Our offices for registration are located in Charlotte and Concord, NC. We know how difficult this time can be for someone facing drug charges, so we have done everything we can to make the process as simple and private as possible. All you have to do is take our evaluation, pay for the classes, attend the entire course, and cooperate in completing any other conditions or requirements as mandated by the court.
The course is a total 15 hours, which is broken up into manageable three-hour sessions held over the course of five days. Just imagine – in less than a week’s total time your charges will be eligible for expunction.
Now is the time for change. Don’t wait until it is too late; you have the power to take your life in a new direction. You deserve a second chance, and we’re here to help.