President Obama Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Aid Nonviolent Drug Offenders

President Obama Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Aid Nonviolent Drug Offenders

When we hear the term “drug offender,” we often think first of an unscrupulous and violent individual; a person so consumed by a substance that their behavior and actions become criminal. But this instant thought isn’t always the case. In fact, a great number of those finding themselves in legal trouble are nonviolent drug offenders….

The Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment over Incarceration for Drug Use

The Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment over Incarceration for Drug Use

Aaron is almost 19 and, like most 19-year-olds, loves movies, music, and games. As Aaron’s 19th birthday approaches, thoughts of cake, friends, and a slammin’ party dance in Aaron’s head. But unlike other almost-19-year-olds, Aaron won’t have a birthday because of incarceration for a drug related crime. Who is Aaron? Aaron is the guy you…