How to Have an Alcohol Free Halloween

How to Have an Alcohol Free Halloween

Ghosts, ghouls, and goblins are gathering as spooky nights and creepy costumes are pegged squarely in our sights! It’s almost Halloween, and party plans are in full swing. You’re counting down the days to dressing up, but there’s more at stake on this spook fest than good old-fashioned tricks and treats. Alcohol-impaired driving incidents happen…

Alcohol Abuse and Social Anxiety Disorder

Alcohol Abuse and Social Anxiety Disorder

Approximately 15 million people in the United States suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD). According to WedMD, SAD is characterized by “excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations.” Anyone can develop this disorder at any stage of their life. Due to its classification as a ‘mental illness’, a stigma surrounds it. In fact, the stigma…