A 6 Step Guide to Adderall Withdrawal

A 6 Step Guide to Adderall Withdrawal

Adderall is commonly used to treat ADD and ADHD, but many youths abuse it as a study drug. Some 34% of college students admit to taking it illegally, and research indicates full-time college students are more likely to use it for non-medical purposes. The result is young people developing an addiction that may require detox…

Is Adderall Addictive?

Is Adderall Addictive?

Beans, black beauties, dexies, pep pills, speed, and uppers. What do these six things have in common? According to Indiana University, they are all common street names for a prescription drug called Adderall. Adderall is most commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is a substance made from a combination…

Adults and ADHD Drugs

Adults and ADHD Drugs

We recently discussed the growing concern over college students misusing ADHD drugs. Interestingly, a recent study reported on by Bloomberg.com reveals a surprising picture. Although we primarily associate ADHD with children, the drugs prescribed to assist with attention deficit disorders aren’t just for kids. 53% of ADHD Drug Users are Adults According to the study,…

College Students Misuse ADHD Drugs

College Students Misuse ADHD Drugs

About a month ago, we covered a topic close to the heart of every parent on the planet: A nationwide call for safer pediatric drugs. We disclosed the facts about pediatric prescription safety, and we touched on how thousands of children are misdiagnosed and put on medication for any of several mental illnesses, which can…