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The Signs of Ecstasy Abuse and Addiction


It’s the preferred club drug. Ecstasy is most commonly found at music festivals, clubs, and large, loud events. Highly damaging and addictive, even the astute party goer abstaining from it can be unknowingly exposed. Whether you hit the club often or have friends who do, knowing the signs of Ecstasy abuse and addiction can help ensure good health and safety.

Ecstasy has a euphoric and intoxicating influence. When taken with alcohol, its effects are amplified. Anyone under its control will experience heightened sensory perception. Sounds, smells, and sensations may feel exaggerated. A person feeling its immediate effects may:

How to Spot Ecstasy

The drug is most often seen in the form of small colored pills. In some settings, the pills are added to candy necklaces on stretchy strings, intermixed with the candy. You can spot the drug by an imprint of characters or a product logo on the pills, such as the Mercedes auto logo. Ecstasy can also be consumed in liquid form.

Clubs and events where participants are known to use the drug often have a “chill room.” The room is designed to counteract the rise in body temperature that accompanies Ecstasy use. Inside of the room, patrons can purchase cold water and cool off. If a club or event you attend has such a room, be on alert.

Dangerous Effects

Ecstasy causes body temperature to rise. When mixed with the burst of energy felt by users, the combination can quickly result in death to overheating. The drug is also easy to overdose on, especially when partiers do not realize they are being exposed to it.

One of the most dangerous side effects of the drug is almost instantaneous cravings. A single exposure to Ecstasy can trigger cravings, making a person want to use it over and over again. Substance abuse and addiction rapidly ensue.

Signs of Ecstasy Addiction

A person addicted to the club drug will likely keep colorful pills nearby. They can suffer from irregular sleep patterns and a lack of awareness of pain. It is also common for Ecstasy addicts to have multiple sexual partners. The drug convinces them that they are in love, even with someone they have just met.

Heavy use of the drug often manifests as aggression, confusion, depression, and paranoia. It can result in drain damage that impairs memory and cognitive ability. Researchers have discovered that the briefest of exposures to the drug can cause damage that lasts for years.

Ecstasy is a highly dangerous substance. If you love the club and event scene, be careful to avoid exposure. Say no to candy, drinks, and consumables from unknown sources, and if you think something was laced with the drug, seek immediate medical care.

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