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The Push to Target Drunk Drivers on Halloween


Where will you be for Halloween? Whether you’re celebrating in or out of costume, chances are you’re already RSVP’d to a party somewhere in the city. Charlotte is a happening place, and Halloween is no exception. From wild adult parties to family friendly venues, our main concern is responsible drinking over this always fun holiday. You can bet the city’s push to keep drunk drivers off the street won’t subside because of it.

In 2013, reported that “impaired drivers and the dangers which they pose to trick-or-treaters, other pedestrians[,] and other vehicles on the roadways” was predicted to be “the scariest part of Halloween.” In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offered a study that showed 52 percent of all national fatalities involving a drunk driver happen during the Halloween season.

Safe Spooky Fun in Charlotte

What can you expect in Charlotte and the surrounding areas this Halloween season? Checkpoints and an increased police presence on the streets and highways. The goal is to keep everyone safe and help get impaired drivers off the street. You can help by being a responsible drinker and staying aware of your surroundings.

Some calls are easier to make than others. For example, seeing someone stumbling, stuttering, or falling down drunk at the party is a dead giveaway that they shouldn’t drive. You wouldn’t hesitate to take their keys and call them a cab. But what if you’re with (or see) someone who’s been drinking and doesn’t exhibit the signs of being drunk? Then what? Keep these facts in mind:

Underage Drinking Is Illegal in North Carolina

If you’re under the age of 21, it’s illegal for you to consume alcohol. Add driving to the mix, and you’re setting yourself up for major trouble. DWI checkpoints will be set up all over the city during the Halloween season. Don’t be the party killer by drinking and driving under 21.

What will you be doing this Halloween? Whatever your plans, make an extra effort to stay safe and drink responsibly.

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