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The Pros and Cons of E-Cigarettes


Smoking is nothing new. Ever since the first human burned the first tobacco leaf, people have been finding new ways to consume it. Pipes have been around forever; chewing tobacco is an old standby, but the most popular tobacco product has to be the cigarette. Plenty of methods for quitting have arisen over the years; the nicotine patch, gum, gradually weaning yourself off little by little, and for those especially strong of will, going cold turkey. All options have mixed results depending on the person trying it, but one that has been growing in popularity in the last decade is the electronic cigarette or e-cig and accessories like ecig mods etc.

A common pastime for generations back, the hazards of smoking only came into general public knowledge in the 50s. However, this has not put an end to the practice. According to an article by the Washington Post, the CDC says that as of 2015, approximately 17 percent of adults in the United States still smoke. Smoking accounts for 480,000 annual deaths and nearly $300 billion in medical costs and wasted productivity. An estimated 16 million Americans are living with a smoking-related disease.

Needless to say, smoking is still an issue in this country and around the world. It’s easy to ask, “Why doesn’t everyone just quit?” But when you consider how much nicotine is in cigarettes, it becomes a much more difficult question to answer. It’s been said that smokers don’t smoke because they like it, they smoke because they’re addicted to it.

Enter the E-Cigarette

E-cigarettes are battery-powered tubes made to look like real cigarettes. Being electronic, no match or lighter is required to light them. As such, there is no actual smoke or ash being inhaled into the lungs. Instead, they turn liquid nicotine into vaper pens (get more V2 cigs brand info). You may be wondering how e-cigs can be better than regular cigarettes if they still have nicotine. Simple: e-cigs have no tar, no carbon monoxide, and no actual tobacco. They satisfy cravings without destroying the lungs in the process. But are they truly a healthy alternative to smoking?

Some concerns have arisen about the possibility of hidden chemicals in the vapor itself. On the other hand, people who have made the switch to e-cigs have claimed that their “smoker’s cough” was reduced, their sense of smell and taste sharpened, and their sleep improved. Are e-cigarettes good or bad?

The Pros

An e-cigarette like the 6″ starbuds dabuccino, is cheaper in the long run. A single unit can be used again and again, and the lithium-ion battery can be charged, meaning the only repeat purchase is the liquid, or “smoke juice,” itself. Customers can buy cartridges with different amounts inside. The initial start-up cost can run anywhere from $40 to $120 but considering a single cartridge can last as long as 20 regular cigarettes, the advantage is clear.

Smokers can also enjoy the muscle memory reflexes of a cigarette. E-cigs are shaped and even look just like the real thing. They are inhaled the same way, and when exhaled, the vapor simulates a cloud of smoke. A small LED light on the end even glows in imitation of a flame. “Smoke juice” is propylene glycol, which the FDA has approved for human consumption. You can buy cartridges without nicotine, but the option to have nicotine included is available if you need to satisfy a craving. Smoke breaks don’t have to change in the slightest.

Perhaps the best reason to make the switch to e-cigs is that most indoor smoking laws do not apply to them. Secondhand smoke from cigarettes is a true danger but only due to the substances found in it. E-cigarettes eliminate all of the harmful materials.

Let’s just get this out there: smokers smell. All the cologne in the world isn’t going to stop or mask that fresh ashy smell from permeating the air around you. If you’re tired of friends and family wrinkling their noses every time you return from a quick puff, e-cigs may be the answer. Some of the flavors can even smell nice!

The Cons

Much of the concern surrounding e-cigarettes is simply because of how new they are. Some health experts claim that manufacturers are not disclosing all of the chemicals inside their product. There is even less known about the short-term and long-term effects of inhaling nicotine vapor.

In 2009, the FDA conducted a study in which it analyzed cartridges from two different companies. The results showed that the amount of nicotine in the product wasn’t always what was shown on the packaging. Sometimes cartridges with a “nicotine-free” label actually did contain the chemical.

Part of the concern comes from e-cigarette companies marketing their products as a way to quit smoking. Health experts claim that e-cigs are too new and haven’t been tested enough to be an effective means of quitting. As such, some people take to smoking even more e-cigs thinking nothing negative will come of it when they could very well be unknowingly developing an addiction to nicotine.

Accessibility is an issue as well. People who purchase cigarettes are carded to confirm age, but e-cigs are sold freely. Literally, anyone of any age can buy an e-cig online, and the multitude of candy flavored vapors appeal to teenagers and children.

Besides the flavors, why wouldn’t teens go for e-cigs? There are no warnings of any kind on the packaging, no clear instructions on usage, and nothing about safe disposal. Some studies have found that if a cartridge leaks, toxic exposure to nicotine is possible.

The FDA has said that e-cigs may contain substances harmful to humans, and because companies are not required to submit clinical studies, the public has no real way to know exactly what they are breathing into their lungs or even how much nicotine is present. E-cigs could very well be a substance abuse or addiction trigger, but it’s too early to tell.

The Best Way to Quit

Ultimately, the most effective way to quit smoking will vary by person. Replacing an addition with a new one may not be the best choice, but it is an option. If you’re ready to kick nicotine addiction for good, check out our four step guide to quitting; it may be easier than you think

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