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OxyContin Abuse and Addiction


OxyContin is the brand name for a prescription drug called oxycodone. It is prescribed for patients coping with moderate to severe pain. For some, it is a lifeline drug that helps them manage chronic pain and some types of cancer. But it’s also a highly addictive substance that is flooding the streets.

Research indicates that 9% of adults in the U.S. either have or will abuse an opioid narcotic like oxycodone. And the United States Department of Justice confirmed that more than 13 million Americans use this drug for recreational purposes.

Spotting a Problem

The use of OxyContin to manage pain isn’t an instant indication of abuse or addiction. A patient who uses it for an extended time isn’t automatically a substance abuser or addict. The drug is a synthetic opiate and is habit forming, particularly to people at higher risk factor of developing an addiction.

No single cause lies behind addiction. Instead, a number of risk factors create its potential:

But what does OxyContin abuse and addiction look like? How can you tell if someone is either developing or in the throes of a full blown problem?

Oxy abuse and addiction destroys life. It kills relationships, changes temperaments, and can lead to abusive and aggressive physical behaviors. If you or someone you know is abusing or addicted to OxyContin, an intervention and treatment are the best actions to pursue.

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