Alcohol Free Weekend - April 2013
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Kicking Off Alcohol Awareness Month With Alcohol Free Weekend

Alcohol Free Weekend - April 2013

Did you know this weekend, April 5 – 7 is National Alcohol Free Weekend?

ncadd alcohol awareness month 2013- logoApril is Alcohol Awareness Month, a national campaign to create awareness of the risks and dangers that come from alcohol abuse. This annual campaign is sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD). During the first weekend of the month of April, the Council urges people all over the country to abstain from alcohol for a 72-hour period. The goal is to bring together communities of neighbors, friends, families, coworkers and alcohol prevention supporters in a united effort to prevent alcohol dependencies and abuse. By coming together as good examples, people can make a difference in the lives of others.

This year marks the 27th year of the annual campaign. This year’s theme is “Help for Today. Hope For Tomorrow.” The main mission of the national campaign is focused on “reducing the stigma that too often prevents individuals and families from seeking help.”

Everyday, we provide drug and alcohol assessments, education and treatment services for people who are dealing with alcohol problems, so we know the impact that alcohol addiction can have on the lives of the individual and their loved ones. In support of Alcohol Awareness Month, during the month of April, we’ll be providing resources, videos, links to other campaigns and helpful tips for not only creating awareness, but also ways we can work together towards prevention.

How will you participate in creating awareness and influencing prevention of alcoholism in your community?

Resource: Click Here For More Information on Alcohol Awareness Month from NCADD

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