As you are enjoying the Labor Day holiday, we’d like to give you the following tips for a safe & sober way to party.
Are you attending or planning a Labor Day party with family or friends? Follow these tips for a safe holiday:
- Don’t over do it. Even one drink can be enough to impair your judgment, and just a few drinks can affect your reflexes.
- Help others be responsible. If you’re the party planner, don’t serve too much alcohol. If an accident occurs, you could potentially be liable if you knowingly allow someone who is intoxicated to drive away from your home.
- Don’t serve alcohol to kids. The legal drinking age is 21. North Carolina has a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking and driving.
- Plan ahead. Have a designated driver or the number to a taxi service handy.
- Wait it out. Waiting several hours after you’ve had a few drinks can lower you blood alcohol level below the legal limit (.08). Play cards, watch a game, take a walk until you are sober enough to drive.
- Stay where you are. If you are at a friend’s, spend the night and don’t plan to drive until you are sober.
The message of the campaign is “They’ll see you before you them.” The campaign has proven to be successful in getting impaired drivers off the road and raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving. Don’t take a chance that you can make it to your destination without getting caught. Putting your life and the life of others at risk is never a good idea. The cost of a cab ride home is far less expensive than fines and fees after a DWI charge.
Please be responsible this Labor Day and drive sober. Your life and others depend on it.
Have a safe & happy holiday and read these resources at!