Drug Education: How to Say No to Marijuana
[su_quote]Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind[/su_quote]
You probably recognize this quote from Dr. Suess. Saying no to marijuana can be hard, especially when one of your friends offers it.
Maybe you’ve never tried weed, and you’re curious. Maybe you’ve smoked or inhaled it once, and you think using it occasionally isn’t a big deal. Maybe you feel pressured and just want to say yes to avoid a conflict.
None of these are good reasons to say yes to marijuana.
You can and should say no, and you might be surprised to learn how easy it is with practice. But how do you say no the first time?
Be Direct
Sometimes saying, “No thanks,” is all that is needed. Be firm when you say it, and if you’re pressured further, repeat your response.
Give a Reason
If you choose the direct approach but still feel nervous, back up “no thanks” with a reason. You might say, “No thanks. I have a game later,” or, “No thanks, I have to be up early in the morning.”
Don’t be afraid to mention a bad experience you’ve had. You might say, “No thanks. I got caught last time,” or, “No thanks. I didn’t like what it did to me last time.”
Turn It Around
Peer pressure is rough. When someone pushes you to smoke weed, turn the pressure back on them. You could ask them, “What do you care if I do or don’t smoke?”
Remember, it’s your choice to accept or decline marijuana. All you need is confidence in your decision and your response.
State the Obvious and Walk Away
People don’t like being called out. When someone pressures you to do marijuana, state the obvious. You can say something like, “Wow! The peer pressure in this room is strong.” Then, walk away.
Change the Subject
Sometimes you can change the direction of the entire situation. When someone offers marijuana, you can say, “No thanks. Do you want to _______?”
You’d be surprised how often those in the room will follow your lead. You never know how many people are feeling just as pressured as you. If you take a stand and change the direction of the situation, you may be helping more than just yourself!
Be Proactive
Who smokes weed? Who is most likely to offer it to you? Where are you likely to run into the peer pressure to use marijuana?
You can be proactive by anticipating who, when, and where. Then, act to avoid these situations by leaving before they arise or by staying away completely.
50 Cool Ways to Say No to Weed
Saying no isn’t always thought of as the cool thing to do, but it is. It’s cool to safeguard your health, and it’s even cooler to avoid addiction and trouble with the law.
You can learn 50 cool and awesome ways to say no to marijuana at Imgur.com. And if you need help, talk to an adult.