3 Ways Cutting Back On Alcohol Improves Your Health
Did you know by cutting back on alcohol you can improve your mental health?
1. Improve Your Mental Health
Doctors and researchers of Mental Health America have found that drinking alcohol actually affects your sleep. Their research shows that some people drink alcohol to relax, yet when you drink before bed, you may fall asleep faster, your body will not be as rested.
When you are well rested, you think better and make better decisions because your brain and body are more alert. Doctors recommend at least 7 hours of sleep for a full night’s rest. Give yourself an instant mental boost by getting more rest so you can focus on your day-to-day responsibilities.
2. Improve Your Physical Health
It’s true. Alcohol does make you fat. A study of over 3,000 people (by Medicine Net) showed that regularly drinking alcohol leads to what is called a “beer belly” – when the body retains weight in the abdominal area. Over time, this could lead to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases. The studies have also shown that because most people also eat more when they drink, this increase in calories contributes to the weight gain. Many people don’t even realize how many calories alcohol has in it. Take a look at the number of calories in popular drinks:

Just by cutting out one drink a week, you can improve your health simply by cutting out the calories from alcohol.
3. Improve Your Financial Health
We know this is obvious, but if you really make an effort to cut back, save up the money you would have spent on alcohol and use it to pay off debt, support a local charity or buy something nice for yourself for a major accomplishment.
So will you do it? Will you give up one alcoholic beverage this week? Try it for the next 30 days and see if you notice a difference in how you feel.