Celebrating Our Independence: Why Substances and Fireworks Don’t Mix
The 4th of July is coming, and everyone is anxiously anticipating this holiday to celebrate the founding of our nation. Fireworks are to be expected, as this is a time-honored tradition. Fireworks safety shouldn’t even be a question, but Independence Day is one of the most dangerous holidays of the year. And throw some alcohol or drugs into the mix, and you create something even more dangerous, perhaps even deadly.
It should go without saying that substances and fireworks should not be mixed, but, unfortunately, the two are bound to cross paths. Naturally, when you’re out celebrating with friends or family, drinking is likely to happen. Social gatherings for special occasions, such as this one, often encourage adults (and even teenagers) to abuse alcohol, and when dangerous explosives are involved…well, you can do the math.
Independence Day doesn’t have to be dangerous to be fun. There are plenty of ways you can have fun while playing it safe!
4th of July Dangers When Taking Substances
Fireworks. The word “fire” should caution anyone to play it safe. It shouldn’t surprise us to hear that the 4th of July is the holiday where the most fires are started. You can burn anything, from your finger to the entire neighborhood.
When you consume alcoholic beverages or take drugs, you impair your judgment. The more you indulge, the more your sensibilities decline. Without inhibitions, you are far more likely to act foolishly with fireworks, increasing your chances of injuring yourself and others while causing widespread damage or even death.
Fireworks should not be your only concern. July 4th happens during the summer, which is the perfect time to go swimming. If you’re out celebrating with friends or family, you just might be by the pool. Remember, before deciding to take a dip, drinking and swimming can be just as deadly a combination as drinking and driving. If you’re going to swim, be sure to leave the drugs and alcohol behind.
When you’re having a good time with friends, it’s easy to push your limits. Celebrating a holiday like Independence Day is an occasion people will want to go all out for. So set strict limits for yourself and make sure you don’t mix alcohol and fireworks.
DUIs on July 4th
Thinking of driving back home after a night of heavy drinking? Think again. Drunk driving is one of the biggest reasons the 4th of July is so dangerous. You may not think it, but Independence Day is one of the deadliest days to drive, second only to New Year’s Day. Drivers under the influence cause about half of the accidents on Independence Day.
40 percent of the accidents on July 4th between the years of 2000 and 2009 were caused by a person who had a blood alcohol concentration exceeding the 0.08 legal limit. If you’re thinking about throwing all caution to the wind and using this holiday as an excuse to push your limits, consider these statistics:
- There were 1,412,223 DUI arrests in the U.S. in 2010.
- Over 112 million cases of drinking and driving were documented in 2010.
- Drunk driving accounts for roughly 31 percent of all motor fatalities.
- When it comes to gender, 4 out of 5 drunk drivers are male. Men ages 21 to 34 make up 11 percent of the U.S. population and account for 32 percent of all drunk driving incidents.
- The worst time to drive is from midnight to 3 AM, which is when 2/3 of fatal accidents involving drunk drivers occur. 31 percent of these accidents happen during the weekend. And drunk driving incidents are four times as likely during the night versus daytime hours.
- 2 percent of the entire U.S. population who are at least 16 years of age drink and drive.
When you set out to have fun and celebrate our day of independence, consider the facts and think twice before abusing alcohol, even if it’s just this one time. It only takes one slip up. Don’t become another statistic.
How to Have a Fun and Safe Independence Day Celebration
Your Independence Day celebration doesn’t have to be a downer, and you don’t have to contribute to the statistics. There are plenty of ways to stay safe and have fun.
If you’re intent on drinking during this holiday, kick back and take it easy. Set strict limits for yourself and follow them regardless of what others may say. There are plenty of events to attend, such as parades, concerts, and firework shows, so you can still enjoy the spectacles without playing with fire. Food and friends are always enjoyable without having to involve yourself in risky activities. And remember to always pick a designated driver, just in case you do drink more than expected.
Stay sober and enjoy even more activities such as swimming, sports, and even fireworks. Do keep in mind, however, that fireworks can be dangerous even when you’re sober. Surfnetkids offer several excellent tips on how to stay safe this 4th of July.
Always keep a fire extinguisher on hand whenever fireworks are involved, just in case a small fire breaks out. Also, keep water buckets nearby and have access to a hose in case a fire grows beyond what an extinguisher can handle.
Be smart when hanging decorations. Keep them as far away from fireworks as possible. And make sure the designated spot for fireworks is nowhere near any dry grass, bushes, trees, helium, or other flammable materials.
Even after all the fun is over, you can still be at risk. When it’s time to clean up, check to be sure all decorations and fireworks are completely burned out and free from any fire or heat. If you’re not careful, a smoldering fire could erupt after disposing of all the leftover party favors.
From all of us here at Absolute Advocacy, have a fun, safe, and patriotic July 4th! Remember the safety tips we’ve covered, and don’t let your holiday be ruined by drugs or alcohol.