What Should I Do If I’m Riding with a Drunk Driver?
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What Should I Do If I’m Riding With a Drunk Driver?

Would you ride with a drunk driver? Most of us immediately say no. After all, friends don’t let friends drive drunk. But what if you somehow find yourself riding with a drunk driver? What should you do? What should you know? In this blog, we’ll answer both questions, Always Avoid Getting in the Car The…

Can Marijuana Treat Bipolar Disorder?

Can Marijuana Treat Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder and marijuana are both active topics of discussion. Both are still being studied on scientific and medical levels. Mixing the two in an attempt to treat bipolar disorder with marijuana is dangerous. Despite the risks, many people who suffer from the disorder justify their use of marijuana as medicinal. Can the drug treat the…

Doctor-Patient Privilege: Does It Cover Illegal Substance Use?

Doctor-Patient Privilege: Does It Cover Illegal Substance Use?

Physician-patient privilege. Doctor-patient confidentiality. HIPPA. There’s a lot that goes into medical confidentiality these days, and the line between what is and isn’t shared is constantly under attack. Since the inception of government-driven healthcare, concern and outright fear about what is (and can be) shared from your medical visits has multiplied. Can you tell your…