The Road To Recovery: How Can Online Resources Make It Easier To Find The Way?

The Road To Recovery: How Can Online Resources Make It Easier To Find The Way?

Feelings of shame are often part and parcel of addiction. As a result, many people struggling with substance abuse or walking the long road of recovery find it difficult to speak about their experiences and ask for help. This makes the internet a valuable tool, which can offer a wealth of resources to help people find the services…

Young boy sitting on a wall
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Parents: What to Do if Your Child Was Caught Shoplifting

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. You answer the phone and there is a police officer on the other end telling you that your son has just been busted for stealing shoes from a department store. As you drive to go pick them up, you wonder if your child is headed down a path of crime…

Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Marijuana
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Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Marijuana

It’s important to start talking to your son about marijuana and alcohol early–perhaps even earlier than you think. One survey of underage individuals admitted for drug and alcohol treatment found that fourteen percent had started using cannabis before age 13. Studies have found that boys generally start using a little earlier than girls and, when…