2013 DWI Laws and New Bills
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North Carolina Proposed DWI BIlls 2013

The North Carolina General Assembly is considering several bills this session that will affect existing DWI laws. Below is an overview of the bills currently proposed. HOUSE BILL 41: 0.00 Alcohol Restriction ‑ All DWI Bill To Be Entitled: AN ACT TO REQUIRE A 0.00 ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION RESTRICTION ON ALL RESTORATION OF LICENSES REVOKED FOR…

Prom Night Safety Tips - Dont Drink and Drive
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Operation Drive To Live: NC Highway Patrol Prom Night Safety Tips

Prom season is in full swing for North Carolina high school students. If you’re letting your teen drive on prom night or even if you’re having someone else drive them, here are some prom night safety tips for from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety: Prom Night Safety Tips For Teens Don’t drink. Don’t…

Prom Night Safety - Don't Drink and Drive
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Safe, Sober Prom Night: Preventing Underage Drinking & Driving On Prom Night

It’s that time of year again: students are making plans for prom night, now through mid-May. Did you know that 70% of teens expect to drink and drive on prom night? The legal drinking age is 21. Where do you think children get alcohol on prom night? And what will you do to protect your…

Client Bill of Rights
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DWI Classes and Treatment After Your Assessment: Your Right To Choose

If the results of your DWI assessment or drug test results indicate that you need to receive additional drug or alcohol education classes, your next step will be to schedule those classes with an approved service provider, but… Did you know you don’t have to take classes at the facility where you received your assessment?…