NC Holiday “Booze It & Lose It” Campaign Scheduled To Begin This Weekend
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NC Holiday “Booze It & Lose It” Campaign Scheduled To Begin This Weekend

North Carolina’s roads will be safe this holiday season. That is the message by state law enforcement officers in conjunction with the Governors Highway Safety department. For the past several years, North Carolina’s law enforcement officers have joined forces to keep roads safe during the Christmas and New Year holiday seasons. This year’s Booze It…

ADETS: Alcohol and Drug Traffic School 2015 Schedule Announced
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ADETS: Alcohol and Drug Traffic School 2015 Schedule Announced

As we move full swing into the holiday season, we want to thank you for allowing Absolute Advocacy to serve you. It’s been an amazing year and we look forward to an even better year ahead. Below you will find the dates of our upcoming ADETS classes for 2014. If you have landed on this…

How To Clear A DWI with The NC DMV [Infographic]
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How To Clear A DWI with The NC DMV [Infographic]

Did you get a DWI while driving in North Carolina? Here is an overview of the procedures for having your driving privileges reinstated.  The most important thing to remember is that timing is everything. The longer you delay the steps for reinstatement, the more costly it becomes to get your license and driving record in…

NC Substance Abuse Related Deaths Among Highest In the Country
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NC Substance Abuse Related Deaths Among Highest In the Country

Recently the Partnership for Drug Free North Carolina reported that 8 of 10 poisoning deaths are related to the abuse or misuse of medications in North Carolina, a rate that is higher than the national average. The organization also reported that 2 North Carolina counties, Surry and Stokes, have even more alarming statistics. The Partnership’s…