5 Effective ways to Reduce Teenage Drug use and Alcohol Abuse
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5 Effective ways to Reduce Teenage Drug use and Alcohol Abuse

Modern-day teenagers are getting smarter about drugs and alcohol. Since its peak in the 1970s, teen consumption of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs has consistently been on the decline, hitting record lows in 2015. Even though the numbers are trending in the right direction, the next generation is beginning high school. Because of this, it’s…

How Substance Abuse Impacts Your Child
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How Substance Abuse Impacts Your Child

It’s a fact; you cannot be a perfect parent. No matter how good your intentions or how well thought out your actions, perfection is impossible. Yet, despite the impossibility of perfect parenting, your actions still impact your child. Every decision, good and bad, leaves an impression and shapes their future. Your substance use impacts your…

Alcohol Awareness: The Hidden Risks & Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
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Alcohol Awareness: The Hidden Risks & Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Did you know because of the effect alcohol can have on the brain, it is actually considered a drug? It’s a fact, the more alcohol you drink the more it can reduce your ability to think clearly and slow down your ability to respond, similar to the way other drugs affect the body. Any substance…

National Public Health Week: How Does North Carolina’s Health Compare To Other States?

National Public Health Week: How Does North Carolina’s Health Compare To Other States?

In an effort to bring light to public health issues and policies, the American Public Health Association began a week-long initiative to create public awareness and encourage community groups, organizations and businesses to take an active role in creating healthy and safe environments. During the first full week of April, everyone is encouraged to participate…