Effects of Trauma on Children
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Effects of Trauma on Children

Abuse, neglect, and exposure to unhealthy conditions in the home are the reality for too many of our children. And too often, the adults in their lives respond with unhelpful diagnoses, therapy that addresses the behavior instead of the root, and ineffective support which leaves them vulnerable to all manner of future problems. Here’s a…

Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Marijuana
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Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Marijuana

It’s important to start talking to your son about marijuana and alcohol early–perhaps even earlier than you think. One survey of underage individuals admitted for drug and alcohol treatment found that fourteen percent had started using cannabis before age 13. Studies have found that boys generally start using a little earlier than girls and, when…

10 Common and Uncommon Triggers For Former Heroin Users To Avoid
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10 Common and Uncommon Triggers For Former Heroin Users To Avoid

What is a trigger for heroin use disorder? Like the trigger of a gun, a trigger for an addict is the event or emotion that drives you toward your addiction–like cause and effect. The trigger or cause creates a craving in the addict, prompting the effect of using their substance. One of the most important…

10 Common and Uncommon Triggers for Former Alcoholics To Avoid
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10 Common and Uncommon Triggers for Former Alcoholics To Avoid

What is a trigger for alcohol use disorder (AUD)? Think of a trigger in terms of cause and effect. When operating a gun, pulling the trigger is the cause, and the gun firing is the effect.  Alcohol use disorder (AUD), colloquially known as alcoholism, can operate by the same rules. There is often an inciting…