How To Choose A Facility For Your DWI Assessment and Classes
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How To Choose A Facility For Your DWI Assessment and Classes

Is The DWI Facility Licensed By The State of North Carolina  To Provide DWI Services? The first and most important thing you need to consider is if the facility is authorized to provide DWI services by the state of North Carolina. All DWI assessments must be conducted in person by a qualified or certified substance…

Welcome To New Website - NC DWI and Substance Abuse
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New Website, More Articles and NC DWI Attorney Resources

We are extremely excited to announce the redesign of our website. We strive to set a higher standard for DWI and substance abuse assessment and treatment providers. With both our clients and referral partners in mind, our site has been redesigned to make it easy to schedule appointments and find the information that you need….

North Carolina Driver License Suspended
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NC DWI License Restrictions: How Long Will My License Be Revoked

This is Part 3 of our series on The DWI Process: From Arrest To Reinstatement. See the links below for Parts 1 and 2 of this series. When you are arrested for driving while impaired in North Carolina, the law requires your driver’s license to be revoked or suspended, even if it is your first…