Drunk Driving and Suicide: Recognizing The Cry For Help
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Drunk Driving and Suicide: Recognizing The Cry For Help

This post is written in memory of a recent client who committed suicide just days before their court appearance for a DWI case. Suicide is among the leading causes of violent death in the United States. When people are dealing with pressures that they feel they can no longer cope with, they turn to drugs,…

5 Sobering Facts About Binge Drinking On College Campuses
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5 Sobering Facts About Binge Drinking On College Campuses

Did you know about 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is while binge drinking? The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as consuming more than one drink in a short period of time (2 hours) that brings a person’s blood alcohol…

Teenagers Drugs Alcohol - Warning Signs
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Teenagers, Drugs and Alcohol: Warning Signs

In our work with substance abuse treatment in St Louis, we understand that it is hard to discuss the dangers of alcohol and drugs with young people. This is especially true during teenage years as children are open to discovering and learning more about themselves and are influenced to try new things. So how do…

Women & Alcohol: A Message From The Heart (Alcohol & Heart Health Series, Part 3)
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Women & Alcohol: A Message From The Heart (Alcohol & Heart Health Series, Part 3)

We’re continuing our series on the effects of alcohol on the heart. This article is especially for the ladies as we discuss the heart health topic of women & alcohol. Ladies, did you know: A woman’s genetic makeup shapes how quickly she feels the effects of alcohol, how pleasant drinking is for her, and how…