How Much Are College Students Drinking? [Infographic]
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How Much Are College Students Drinking? [Infographic]

Ask any college student about the upcoming weekend’s plans, and most will say this: alcohol.  Eighty percent of college students drink alcohol, spending at least $40 a month on it. This isn’t surprising — in America, $163 million was spent on alcohol in 2011, and the average consumption per person is two gallons of alcohol…

How To Clear A DWI with The NC DMV [Infographic]
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How To Clear A DWI with The NC DMV [Infographic]

Did you get a DWI while driving in North Carolina? Here is an overview of the procedures for having your driving privileges reinstated.  The most important thing to remember is that timing is everything. The longer you delay the steps for reinstatement, the more costly it becomes to get your license and driving record in…

Absolute Advocacy Observes National Substance Abuse Prevention Month During October
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Absolute Advocacy Observes National Substance Abuse Prevention Month During October

October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month (Prevention Month). As substance abuse and drug prevention service providers, we will observe this national campaign and help create awareness by sharing prevention resources, articles and services with you throughout the month. During Prevention Month, we invite youth, families, schools, and businesses to participate with us in the…

The Role of Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery
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The Role of Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery

As we mentioned last week, the month of September is National Recovery Month. The goal of Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover. Following Recovery Month is National Substance Abuse Prevention month, during October, which focuses…