ADETS Classes From the DWI Student’s Perspective
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ADETS Classes From the DWI Student’s Perspective

Every day we have the opportunity to help someone with a problem they have with alcohol and drug use. Whether they come to us for substance abuse treatment or an alcohol assessment because of a DWI, we know that it is not always easy for people to come to us for help. When clients come…

Are ADETS Classes in North Carolina Effective - NC DWI
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Are North Carolina ADETS Classes Effective in Preventing DWI’s?

For the past several years, North Carolina has consistently been among the states reporting the highest number of deaths related or caused by people who drive while impaired. This invites the question of whether the right programs and systems are in place to lower these numbers. In this article, we provide an overview of the…

Does Alcohol Decrease Your Chances of Getting Heart Disease?…It Depends
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Does Alcohol Decrease Your Chances of Getting Heart Disease?…It Depends

The latest results published by national and international medical research shows that in many cases, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol DOES decrease symptoms that can lead to heart disease including heart attack, stroke or vascular disease. In some cases, symptoms were reduced by up to 40%. Here are some of the studies that back up…

5 Myths College Students Believe About Alcohol
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5 Myths College Students Believe About Alcohol

This Part 3 of a series on Alcohol on College Campuses. Also in this series: Alcohol on College Campuses: A Wake Up Call Excessive Drinking On College Campuses Affects The Entire Campus Peer pressure is one of the top reasons college students drink alcohol. Whether direct – someone offering a student a drink – or…