Women & Alcohol: A Message From The Heart (Alcohol & Heart Health Series, Part 3)
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Women & Alcohol: A Message From The Heart (Alcohol & Heart Health Series, Part 3)

We’re continuing our series on the effects of alcohol on the heart. This article is especially for the ladies as we discuss the heart health topic of women & alcohol. Ladies, did you know: A woman’s genetic makeup shapes how quickly she feels the effects of alcohol, how pleasant drinking is for her, and how…

Sharing the American Heart Association Recommendations for drinking and heart health
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3 Not So Obvious Truths About Alcohol and Heart Health

Happy Valentine’s Day From Absolute Advocacy As we celebrate the day of love, we are continuing our series on Hearth Health and Alcohol, with a few tips and suggestions from the American Heart Association. Here 3 Not So Obvious Truths About Alcohol and Heart Health. 1. Is Red Wine Healthy? The Verdict Is Still Out….

February is Heart Health Month - Alcohol - Heart Disease
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National Heart Health Month Series: Are You Drinking Too Much Alcohol?

February is National Heart Health Month and so we’re joining the conversation by sharing tips and resources about the effects of overindulging in alcohol. We hope you will sincerely take this series to heart and use the information shared here to help yourself and someone you love. As a DWI and Substance Abuse Agency, we…

NC DWI Charge - Drivers License
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Why You Need To Take Care of Your DWI ASAP

You’ve done the unthinkable: You got behind the wheel after having too many drinks. And then the unthinkable happens: A cop sees you, pulls you over and charges you with a DWI. Your car is towed, your license gets taken and now you have to deal with fines, paperwork and the whole issue of how…