The Advance of Teen Drug Abuse

The Advance of Teen Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is often associated with illicit use of illegal street drugs like heroin and cocaine. But the advance of teen drug abuse appears in a place you might not expect. According to an article Dr. Manny Alvarez published at, prescription drug abuse is a growing problem amongst teens, aggravated by increasing availability. We…

Adults and ADHD Drugs

Adults and ADHD Drugs

We recently discussed the growing concern over college students misusing ADHD drugs. Interestingly, a recent study reported on by reveals a surprising picture. Although we primarily associate ADHD with children, the drugs prescribed to assist with attention deficit disorders aren’t just for kids. 53% of ADHD Drug Users are Adults According to the study,…

Mothers  and Prescription Pain Medications are Not a Good Mix

Mothers and Prescription Pain Medications are Not a Good Mix

Prescription pain medications are one of the easiest drugs for a person to develop an addiction to. Created for the purpose of pain relief and management, these drugs were never intended to be abused, but addiction to pain meds has become a growing problem. For some, the difference between relief and abuse is blurred. According…