Why Do Doctors Prescribe Potentially Addictive Drugs?

Why Do Doctors Prescribe Potentially Addictive Drugs?

With the drug epidemic gripping our nation, the focus on its causes has never been sharper. Prescription drugs and how they are prescribed has become a hot topic, particularly questions like why do doctors prescribe potentially addictive drugs to their patients? Previously, we covered 10 of the most addictive prescription drugs and what makes them…

The Signs and Symptoms of Ativan Addiction

The Signs and Symptoms of Ativan Addiction

Ativan can be a game changer for people suffering from anxiety, but it can also be addictive. The risk of Ativan addiction hinges on numerous factors. A previous history or current issue with substance abuse increases your risk. In addition, an addictive personality and other mental health issues can increase your risk of addiction. In…