Millions of Americans Drive While Intoxicated

Millions of Americans Drive While Intoxicated

“Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” “Better to arrive sober and late than never.” “Stay alive. Don’t drink and drive.” “You booze, you cruise, you lose.” What do these four quotes have in common? They are all anti drinking and driving slogans. The war on drunk driving can be traced back to September 10, 1897…

Marijuana and Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Marijuana and Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Medical marijuana has been legalized in several states, and recreational marijuana use has been controversially legalized in a handful of states. According to USA Today, the majority of Americans today support the legalization of recreational marijuana, unlike the minority in 1969. As this drug gains legal status and popularity, many doctors are seeing an increase…

How to Talk to Your Teen about Alcohol

How to Talk to Your Teen about Alcohol

Do conversations with your teen mimic the picture displayed above? Talking to your teen isn’t always easy. The pre-teen through teenage years are volatile. Your child is going through a huge number of changes from physical to mental to emotional. Think back to when you were your child’s age. How was your relationship with your…