How to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor

How to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor

According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, substance abuse counselor employment positions are projected to grow 22% by 2024. The role a counselor plays in their clients’ lives is crucial. It’s not a role just anyone can take on, and becoming a successful counselor involves developing and attaining the needed skills and education. If you…

What Is a Substance Abuse Counselor?

What Is a Substance Abuse Counselor?

It’s a new year, and maybe you’re thinking about a new you. Maybe you’re advancing your education or considering a career move. Is becoming a substance abuse counselor playing on your mind? If so, then learning about what a substance abuse counselor is will help guide you. According to the United States Labor Department, a…

How a Strong Parent-Child Relationship Prevents Underage Drinking

How a Strong Parent-Child Relationship Prevents Underage Drinking

For almost everyone, their parents are the single most influential set of people in their lives. Whether your mom or dad were great, mediocre, or less than ideal, it was their presence (or lack of) that, at some point in your life, began to define who and what you would become. [su_quote cite=”Bob Keeshan” url=””]Parents…