12 Core Functions: An Overview of Case Management

12 Core Functions: An Overview of Case Management

Case management is one of the core functions that substance abuse counselors must understand intimately. You might say the counselor’s job revolves heavily around it. At its core, case management is defined as the activities that bring services, service providers (or agencies), resources, and people together. The objective is to use this gathering of sources…

What is SAIOP?

What is SAIOP?

SAIOPs, or Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Programs, can be a powerful tool in a substance abuse counselor’s toolkit. Unfortunately, though, some misconceptions frequently held by potential clients about outpatient options can make the process of deciding on a program difficult. Beyond that, there are also big differences between intensive and non-intensive options. The decision-making process…

12 Core Functions: The Core Function Called Counseling

12 Core Functions: The Core Function Called Counseling

It’s the bread and butter of a substance abuse counselor’s job. It’s the major component of their clients’ treatment plans that leaves a lasting impact. It’s the sixth core function, and it’s called Counseling. According to Dictionary.com, counseling is a noun and a verb meaning to give “professional guidance” with the goal of “resolving personal…

Drug Education: What Is a Narcotic?

Drug Education: What Is a Narcotic?

Opiate, narcotic, stimulant, depressant, these are just a few of the terms you may see when learning about drugs and addictive substances. Understanding what they mean can impact your ability to raise awareness and make smart decisions. In this installment of Drug Education, we’re going to discuss just what a narcotic is and why it’s…