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ADETS Classes From the DWI Student’s Perspective

ADETS Classes - NC DWI Class Students

Every day we have the opportunity to help someone with a problem they have with alcohol and drug use. Whether they come to us for substance abuse treatment or an alcohol assessment because of a DWI, we know that it is not always easy for people to come to us for help. When clients come to us for help with DWI convictions, one of the main goals is to not only help them meet the legal requirements of their conviction, but also provide education classes to help them make better decisions in the future. This is where alcohol and drug education traffic school (ADETS) come in. At this stage in the DWI process, we work with clients to help prevent a repeat offense.

In our recent discussion about ADETS, we looked at whether this type of program is effective at preventing DWI’s. Since the goals and objectives of the program is to work with students to educate them and encourage them to stop drinking and driving, we identify reasons people drink and drive which helps us provide the right type of instruction while addressing these issues.

Why Do People Drink and Drive?

  • Misunderstand law (drunk vs. impaired)
  • Willing to take risk (“I’ve done it before”)
  • Anti-social attitude (“laws don’t apply to me”)
  • Arguments and disputes (loss of temper, lack of judgment)
  • Lack of concern (“I never thought about it”)
  • Lack of advanced planning (“I’m just going to a party”)
  • Combination and variations of the above

While, we do not condone drinking and driving, we do seek to understand people who do so we can be more effective at preventing more DWI’s. For a glimpse into what ADETS students take away from the program, we have pulled a few client testimonials and evaluations. This feedback helps us see the value in this type of training in preventing future DWI incidents.

AA ADETS Review - Effective DWI Classes AA ADETS Review - DWI Prevention AA ADETS Review - DWI Education AA ADETS Review - Alcohol Awareness

Click here for more ADETS reviews.

We know that for every 1 person who takes our classes, there are dozens more who never get help. But we are confident that those who do are taking a step in the right direction and after going through a program like ADETS, they are more likely to make better decisions and drink more responsibly.

Preventing The First DWI: Taking ADETS A Step Farther

Many of our clients come to us after they have already been convicted of a DWI. But what if we could do more to prevent even the first DWI? What if through a community effort, we could offer ADETS-level education at high schools and college campuses? We can’t deny children are being introduced to alcohol much earlier in life. We believe teaching effective education programs at this level can prevent problems with alcohol misuse and abuse. What do you think?

Contact us to learn more about our ADETS classes. We currently offer ADETS classes at our Charlotte, and Concord locations for individuals charged with a DWI in North Carolina.

Absolute Advocacy – Charlotte

1923 J N Pease Place Suite 102
Charlotte, NC 28262
United States (US)
Phone: (704) 274-2978
Fax: (704) 271-1559

Absolute Advocacy – Concord

3 Union Street South
Suite 210,
Concord, NC 28025
United States (US)
Phone: (704) 215-4095
Fax: (704) 271-1559

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