Absolute Advocacy’s Telehealth Approach

The Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with observing that change is the only constant in the natural world. Yet, as humans, we often find change to be one of the greatest hurdles. Without it, we become stagnant and slowly left behind. With it, we face fear and uncertainty. Will change be positive or negative? Can it last? Will we be able to adapt? At Absolute Advocacy, we faced these questions head-on during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we can say with resounding certainty that the journey of change has been positive; it is here to stay, and we can adapt. What was the change? Our telehealth approach.
A Trip Back in Time
Before 2020, DUI services were not the most accessible of services.
Let’s say you made a mistake. You went out with friends or to a company dinner and had a few drinks. Maybe you felt fine to drive, or perhaps you didn’t and decided to drive anyway. You were pulled over or in a fender bender on the way home. A law enforcement officer suspected you were under the influence. A breathalyzer or sobriety test was conducted. You didn’t pass. Everything changed.
In North Carolina, the first DUI charge will come with a shot at redemption. The court will likely grant the opportunity to expunge the charge if you complete court-ordered and approved DUI classes. Before 2020, if this happened to you, you would lose your driver’s license and be required to attend DUI classes in person. The ability to regain your license would hinge entirely on the completion of all class hours.
How do you attend in-person classes without the ability to drive to the location? Your options include paying for a taxi or rideshare service, a ride from a friend or family member, or walking. Meanwhile, you still have to get to work without a driving license. The whole process of regaining your license isn’t free. Keeping your job becomes even more crucial. Without it, how will you get back on your feet?
For the average person, this scenario rapidly became a life-altering ordeal—an ordeal disproportionately affected by poverty.
In most cases, the DUI charge that lands our clients in this situation resulted from a mistake. Often, it’s a single error in judgment that they aren’t likely to repeat. In other cases, we see people who are struggling with addiction—people who need support and treatment. Poverty impacts many of the people we see, and a DUI charge can create the perfect storm of consequences that cause severe financial impact.
Limiting a person’s ability to access DUI classes was a problem. The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for positive change to DUI services.
The Telehealth Approach
Since 2021, Absolute Advocacy has pioneered DUI telehealth services. We are one of the state’s first substance abuse service providers to offer a telehealth approach. North Carolina saw our progress during the pandemic, and they used our digital setup as a template for other providers struggling to switch to online services.
Thanks to the telehealth approach, we are excited to expand access to our services. Since 2021, we have had the opportunity to reach more than twice the number of people needing DWI classes. We’ve doubled in size and reach and are still growing.
Serving Our Community
Absolute Advocacy provides a supportive and efficient way to complete your DWI assessment and classes in North Carolina. We’ve been a trusted partner in Charlotte, NC, since 2011. Local attorneys both endorse and depend on our expertise.
Our goal is to serve our community in the best way possible. We combine professionalism with care. We always strive to use technology in the most efficient and cost-effective ways. Thanks to our telehealth approach, you can remotely complete everything from your assessment to court-ordered class hours.
You can attend classes from the comfort of your home through our online platform. You won’t need to struggle to secure transportation to an on-location classroom. No matter your schedule, we have a class that will accommodate your needs.
Absolute Advocacy’s virtual DUI classes are interactive. You’ll be able to take advantage of real-time interactions with knowledgeable instructors.
Our telehealth approach offers a private and secure way to tackle your needs. Privacy and confidentiality are among our top priorities. Completing our curriculum online doesn’t impact the quality of our classes—it enhances it. Our curriculum complies with legal standards, and we take it further. We’ve crafted classes designed to empower. Our goal isn’t just to get you back on track; it’s to offer valuable insights and understanding of alcohol and drug use.
What Does This Mean for Our Clients?
For both our current and future clients, our telehealth approach means we are more versatile and customizable than ever.
You will sit squarely in the driver’s seat through our online platform. You will control the pace, your schedule, and your outcome. We will be with you as a guide every step of the way and—if you choose to dig deep into the curriculum—as a mentor.
Our digital platform encompasses more than DWI assessments and courses. We strive to be a source of ongoing instruction and care. Outside of everything you’ll have access to inside our private platform, and regardless of whether you are or aren’t one of our clients, you can keep up with our blog for community education and support.
What Does This Mean for Our Counselors?
Substance Abuse Counselors are vital to our telehealth approach. Our virtual capabilities increase our pool of qualified, professional, and caring counselors. Not only does this expand class schedules, but it also provides a place for counselors to find the versatility they need to succeed.
Absolute Advocacy provides DWI assessments and classes, mental health therapy, and substance abuse treatment services. We take pride in helping the right professionals gain additional experience in the counseling field. Review our minimum qualifications if you are interested in joining our team.
Our 2024 Vision
Absolute Advocacy’s telehealth approach is here to stay. It’s a staple that enhances the outcomes of our clients.
In 2024, we will continue to deliver the most versatile and comprehensive DWI services in North Carolina. There is a growing need for the services and support that we provide. As such, we are determined to expand our team and continually refine our services. Our educational outreach will also grow.
We will continue to help you achieve your goals with passion, professionalism, and unwavering support.