Operation Drive To Live: NC Highway Patrol Prom Night Safety Tips
Prom season is in full swing for North Carolina high school students. If you’re letting your teen drive on prom night or even if you’re having someone else drive them, here are some prom night safety tips for from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety:
Prom Night Safety Tips For Teens
- Don’t drink.
- Don’t do drugs.
- Join SADD organizations to deter peers from drinking.
- Notify Police of suspicious drunk drivers.
- Remember your peers who have died due to alcohol and drug use.
- Enter into an agreement with your parents to promise to call home
- for transportation if you or your friends have been drinking.
- Don’t ride with anyone who has been drinking or doing drugs.
- Minimize nighttime driving.
- Wear a safety belt.
- Don’t text and drive!
- Parents: If you are reserving a Boston corporate coach limousine – CHECK IT THOROUGHLY to insure no alcohol is present in the car before it drives off with your children.
The North Carolina law is clear. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of 21 to:
- Purchase, or to possess malt beverages or unfortified wine; or
- Purchase, to attempt to purchase, or to possess fortified wine, spirituous liquor, or mixed beverages; or
- Consume any alcoholic beverage.
- Violating this law is punishable by fines of that range from $500 – $4000, attorney fees, jail time, probation and required substance abuse education or treatment.
To create awareness and enforce the teenage drinking and driving laws during prom season, the state Highway Patrol will be conducting Operation Drive To Live. The goal of this program is to reduce the number of accidents and deaths caused by teenage drinking and driving during the prom season. The program involves traffic safety educational programs for students as well as troopers enforcing traffic laws around schools.
Colonel Bill Grey, commander of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, states, “Our goal is to educate teenage drivers on the dangers of driving irresponsibly and more importantly, save a life.”
Teenagers: Please be safe this prom season. Your life is too valuable to be wasted on one night. Make the right choice – Don’t Drink.