5 Ways You Can Get the Most from Substance Abuse Counseling
Enrolling in a drug and alcohol treatment program takes guts. It’s not an easy choice, and sometimes it’s not a choice you make on your own; sometimes events lead to your being required to enter a program. Regardless of how you got here, you’re interested in making the best of it. So how can you get the most from substance abuse counseling? Here are five tips to get you started:
#1: Have a Voice
Your voice matters. In fact, it matters more now than ever. When attending group or one-on-one sessions, find and use it. Talk about how you feel and what you think. The more you open up during counseling, the more your counselor will be able to help. Vocal participation is essential to getting the most from substance abuse counseling.
#2: Be Accepting
Never underestimate the power of an open mind. If you aren’t receptive to change, the counseling side of your treatment program will fail.
Addiction is a problem. The first step to recovery is accepting that there is a problem, but acceptance doesn’t start and stop there.
#3: Focus on Why
Why are you in a program?
Really analyze and answer that question because it’s a fundamental part of recovery. There was a reason you started a substance abuse treatment program, and you can get the most out of it by focusing on why you’re there – especially when times get tough.
What if you’re in a program because of a court order? This tip still applies. You might not have been enrolled out of a completely voluntary choice, but getting the most from your program will only benefit your future.
#4: Really Be There
Participate. Get involved. One of the surest ways to get the most from your program is to really be there by being active. You have the unique opportunity to learn more about yourself and others who share similar challenges. You also have the chance to bond with a support group that gets you. So really be there.
#5: Be Realistic
Addiction took time to become an issue. It’s going to take time to fix. Be realistic about your counseling program. It isn’t a quick fix. It won’t magically transform your life overnight, but it will help in making necessary, fundamental changes in your life if you let it and stay realistic.
One of the biggest tips we can offer is to keep an open mind. You’re about to start down a road to self-discovery, and the more open you remain to that discovery and your counselor’s suggestions, the more success you will attain.
Get Started Today
If you’re ready to start a proven program that has helped hundreds of people in our local community, contact us today. Absolute Advocacy has been helping people a lot like you get back on track and put substance abuse and addiction behind them. We’d love to add you to our growing family of substance free people.