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5 Ways ADETS Classes Benefit Attendees


Have you heard about ADETS classes? ADETS stands for Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School, and these aren’t ordinary classroom sessions. Most people attend ADETS because of a court order following a DUI or DWI charge. The class is an educational intervention tool, and it’s making a big difference in North Carolina through tangible benefits to attendees. Let’s look at the top five benefits:

#1: ADETS Promotes Alcohol Awareness

Being convicted of a DWI doesn’t mean you’re an alcoholic. In fact, the vast majority of people dealing with DUI or DWI charges have not been identified as having a substance use disorder. But the fact that you were driving while under the influence of alcohol presents a higher risk for future alcoholism and other problems associated with substance use.

ADETS works to promote awareness among attendees. The educational aspect serves to decrease risk factors by addressing attitudes, beliefs, and motivations alongside a healthy helping of hard medical facts about alcohol and alcoholism.

#2: ADETS Contributes to DWI Prevention

Preventing the act of drinking and driving is of paramount importance in North Carolina. It’s just one of the reasons behind NC adopting an evidence-based curriculum called PRIME for Life for the ADETS program. The goal is to aid first time offenders who have no substance use disorder and blew a BAC of .14 or less.

Both programs focus on risk reduction knowledge. The curriculums are designed to give attendees the tools they need to make informed decisions. Both programs center on awareness of not just the legal ramifications of misusing substances like alcohol, but also the dangers of substance abuse and addiction. Not only do these programs work to prevent cases of DWI, but they also work to prevent the development of alcoholism and even drug use.

#3: ADETS Predicates Change

But what makes the educational aspect of ADETS so beneficial? For starters, it predicates change. The program isn’t simply about fulfilling the minimum state requirement of 16 hours of class time; it’s about populating those hours with value packed information designed to change attitudes, impact opinions, and open the way to some serious self-evaluation and discovery.

#4: ADETS Reduces Repeat Offenses

The ultimate goal of ADETS is to reduce the occurrence of repeat DUI and DWI offenses. As a result, the number of accidents and deaths caused by driving while impaired by alcohol decreases. As recently as 2011, North Carolina ranked in the top three states housing the most alcohol caused driving incidents. As of 2015, North Carolina fell to 34th.

#5: ADETS Offers Second Chances

Arguably, one of the most important benefits of ADETS and the PRIME for Life programs is their unique ability to offer people a second chance. Everyone makes mistakes, and there is not a single human being that is immune to making a bad decision. These programs unbiasedly offer first offenders the chance to gain awareness, attain higher education, initiate change, and ultimately avoid the consequences of repeating their actions.

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